Non Profit Partners

UpWorks seeks to be an advocate in assisting underprivileged, underemployed, and unemployed individuals to achieve sustainable, above poverty, fulltime employment. UpWorks will address an individual’s barriers to employment by providing mentors who will collaborate with nonprofits and supportive business partners.

Your organization can be a Covenant Nonprofit!

  • Does your organization desire to strengthen a client’s future growth?
  • Is there a need to assist clients in finding employment upon completion of your program?
  • Would collaboration with UpWorks positively impact or help to sustain the desired outcomes for your clients and your organization?

What is required to become a Covenant Nonprofit?

  • Complete a simple Covenant Nonprofit questionnaire.
  • Commit to refer clients to UpWorks for mentoring and job placement opportunities.
  • Share feedback with Upworks as the relationship progresses

How does becoming a Covenant Nonprofit benefit your organization?

  • Clients will have the support of UpWorks staff and a team of two mentors.
  • Clients will be provided a path to sustainable long-term employment.
  • Collaboration with UpWorks may strengthen your organization’s impact and results.

Please Join UpWorks and Strengthen Communities,
One Person at a Time!